Benign Breast Conditions
What are Benign Breast Conditions?
These are problems that are not cancerous or usually life-threatening. These conditions classically cause discomfort and could be managed with or without surgery. Dr Melloy can assess your condition and recommend a treatment plan that suits you.
Types of Benign Breast Conditions?
The following are common benign breast conditions:
Breast cysts
Nipple discharge
Benign breast lumps – fibroadenoma
Breast Pain / Mastalgia
Breast Cysts
Breast cysts are pockets of fluid within the breast, similar to a blister. They are benign (non-cancerous) and are most common in perimenopausal women or those taking hormone replacement therapy. Approximately 1 in 3 women between the ages of 35-50 will have a breast cyst.
Cysts can range in size and may cause pain, particularly before or during your period, or when you press in the general area.
Larger cysts may be detected through an examination however, smaller cysts usually require an ultrasound or mammogram for diagnosis.
There are a range of treatment options for breast cysts including a needle aspiration and in some cases surgery. Asymptomatic cysts without atypical features may be safely left alone.
If you believe you have a breast cyst, visit your GP or Dr Melloy to determine a treatment plan to suit you.
Nipple Discharge
While nipple discharge during/after pregnancy is common, discharge during other times can cause concern. This condition can be caused by several reasons including infection (mastitis), cysts, breast cancer, breast lesions (papilloma) or blocked mammary ducts. Nipple discharge is a very uncommon presentation for breast cancer.
The discharge could be coming from one or both nipples and may be paired with localised pain, swelling, skin redness, missed periods, fever, nausea and fatigue.
Treatment depends on the cause and could involve non-invasive methods such as medication and observation, biopsy or surgical excision.
If you experience any nipple discharge, you should consult your GP.
More information about Nipple Discharge
Benign breast lumps
Another common noncancerous (benign) breast lump is fibroadenoma which is usually seen in young women in their 20s and 30s. Postmenopausal women on hormone therapy can also develop fibroadenomas.
Fibroadenoma is a hard, rubbery, and smooth lump. Usually painless, it might feel like a marble in your breast, moving easily under your skin when examined. Fibroadenomas vary in size, and they can enlarge or shrink on their own.
Treatment may involve monitoring for a change in size, biopsy or surgical removal in some cases.
Breast Pain / Mastalgia
Mastalgia is the medical term used to describe breast pain and is commonly experienced by most women at some stage during their lives. Although not usually associated with cancer, breast pain can still cause discomfort and concern.
Breast pain may be accompanied by breast tenderness, lumpiness, fullness, heaviness or a noticeable increase in breast size. Mastalgia could be caused by breast changes (cysts etc.), referred pain or as a normal part of the menstrual cycle.
Diagnosis is via a medical examination and treatment will depend on the cause. Ruling our breast cancer is often a relief and pain can be managed by medication, a well-fitting bra, and appropriate diet and exercise.